Tag Archives: British Airways

Naomi Campbell: Lacefronts and Softball

Supermodel Naomi Campbell, appearing on ABC’s “Ugly Betty” this week, hit a softball so hard it split in half. Angry much?

ugly Naomi Campbell on “Ugly Betty”

Campbell, 37, who was recently banned from British Airways for “losing it ” over lost luggage, has a long history of bad publicity and charges concerning her lack of self control.

For Haireality, none of this is the real issue. The issue is….what happened to her hair?

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Haireality believes Campbell’s hairline is showing the effects of wearing a lacefront. Lacefronts, made popular by Tyra Banks, Beyonce and other celebrities, are glued to the forehead with lace between the weave hair and the scalp. If done well, the effect is very natural looking. But what happens at removal time?

And where did Naomi bury the hairstylists’ body?